Wheel of Fortune – Tarot Card Meaning


Upright: Good fortune, karma, life progression, destiny, a turning point.

Reversed: Bad luck, negative external forces, lack of control.

Archetype: Chance: the unpredictable.

Astrological Association: Jupiter 


The Fates of Greek mythology are in charge of creating every person’s destiny at birth. Because the Wheel of Fortune is an appropriate picture for a person’s fate, The Fates themselves are thread spinners. The ups and downs of fate and fortune are the subject of Card 10 of the Tarot.

The Wheel of Fortune is one of the few Major Arcana cards that do not have a human as the main character. This is because it operated at a higher frequency than the lives of mere men and women. The tarot understands that each person chooses his own path in life, but that he is also a part of larger cycles. We are subject to random events that appear to be accidents but are actually part of a larger design.

A Closer Look at the Wheel of Fortune


The Wheel of Fortune packed with meaning. Aquarius is the sign of the angel in the top left corner, Scorpio is the sign of the eagle, Leo is the sign of the lion, and Taurus is the sign of the bull. These are the Zodiac’s 4 fixed signs, all with wings, which represent stability in the midst of change and movement. The Torah, the book they are all holding in their hands, represents wisdom. The Hebrew letters IHVH (Yod Heh Vau Heh), the unutterable name of God, are written on the wheel itself. In latin characters, we see TORA (read anti-clockwise) or TARO (read clockwise).

The Egyptian god Typhon (the god of evil) is represented by the snake descending on the left side of the Wheel. The snake also symbolizes the life force as it descends into the physical realm. Hermes, a symbol of intelligence, wisdom ascending, or our shadow selves, is the Anubis rising on the right side of the Wheel. The Sphinx on the wheel’s top represents life’s puzzles. The alchemical symbols for mercury, sulphur, water, and salt—the building blocks of life and the four elements—represent formative force in the middle wheel. The material world is represented by the outer circle. The Universal radiant energy, as well as the eight Sabbats of the year, are represented by the wheel’s eight spokes. Wisdom is symbolized by the blue background.

The planet of this card is Jupiter – the planet of opportunity, growth, success, and expansion. The number 10 is an octave higher than the number 1, enhancing the properties of the number 1.


The Wheel of Fortune represents Chance and Destiny in all of their promise and perplexity.


If the Wheel of Fortune appears in a favorable thread, it represents a beneficial, unexpected help from the universe (typically in the form of Synchronicity) and the openness to that help. It’s a card that represents fresh starts and new initiatives, as well as movement, vision, and good fortune. The Wheel of Fortune appearing in a spread is usually a symbol of good fortune and luck, or fresh experiences with a promising start. The Wheel of Fortune, which is especially associated with travel, could signal a need to travel, move, or perhaps introduce a dash of the unexpected into one’s life.


All of the negative aspects of chance are represented by the Reversed Wheel. It is used to describe bad luck, misfortune, or misadventure. It can lead to unpleasant surprises, roadblocks, and delays on one’s journey. The Reversed Wheel of Fortune can also imply that the ‘randomness’ has gotten too intense, that it’s fragmentary and sketchy’, and that stability and the capacity to prepare are essential. For some, life has become a cluster of new experiences, and we need to re-center ourselves and start making plans.

The Symbolism of The Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune is a traditional image that depicts the ups and downs of life – sometimes our circumstances appear to be going our way, but other times we may struggle or feel stuck.

  • Sphinx wielding a sword: The sphinx is a mythical creature made up of the four elements Fire, Water, Air, and Earth, among other things: The sphinx, as a reflection of the entire image, is an expression of unity in diversity.
  • Typhon or Seth, the snake: During the late period of Ancient Egypt, the god Seth became associated with evil and destruction. Typhon is his Greek name. In this case, he represents the negative or downward principle.
  • The god Anubis: The Egyptian god Anubis, who has the head of a dog or a jackal, is said to accompany souls on their journey to reincarnation. He is a proponent of the constructive, positive principle. The ups and downs of fate are represented by Seth and Anubis.
  • Four elements / Four evangelists: Luke, the bull, represents earth; Mark, the lion, represents fire; John, the eagle, represents water; Matthew, the angel, represents air. There are numerous other equivalences.
  • The Latin characters: T–A–R–O. The following Latin sentence can be made with these letters: rota taro orat tora ator: The tarot wheel declares Hathor’s law (the Egyptian goddess of destiny).
  • The Hebrew letters: Y–H–V–H make up the tetragrammaton (a four-letter word that represents God’s unutterable name). The four elements are also represented by the letters.
  • Alchemical symbols: The four elements are represented here in the same way they are in the corners and in the sphinx: mercury (above) means air; sulfur (right) means fire; water (below) means water; salt (left) means earth.

What The Wheel of Fortune Means in a Reading

Meaning for Love and Relationships


In love, you’re upright lucky! You must put yourself out there if you are looking for a new relationship. Your ideal lover isn’t going to show up on your doorstep wrapped in a bow, make sure you leave the house looking and feeling your best every day.

Dating, like gambling, is a numbers game. Before you find the right match, you’ll have to meet and kiss a lot of frogs, so do everything you can to maximize your chances of success.

If you’re in a relationship, there’s going to be a lot of changes. Because the odds are in your favor, move forward with courage and honesty. Make a request for what you desire. You’re almost certain to get it, or something even better!


If you’re in a relationship, the Wheel of Fortune Tarot reversed can symbolize stagnation or the relationship’s shine fading. That isn’t to say that you should end the relationship on the spur of the moment; all partnerships have their ups and downs. It’s possible that you’re just transitioning from one stage of a relationship to the next, and this is just a lull in the process. Try to evaluate the circumstance and figure out what works best for you. In any case, this period of turbulence will pass. Previous errors may resurface and cause problems. If you’re single and have had a string of bad luck in relationships, you should examine your own choices and behavior. Have you squandered chances to fall in love? If that’s the case, learn from your mistakes and you’ll get a second opportunity at happiness. We choose the lessons we are meant to learn in this life, and by learning from your past and applying these karmic lessons to your future, you can change your luck. The Wheel of Fortune Tarot card in reversed position indicates that you may face obstacles or delays, whether you are single or in a relationship. The only way up is to go with the flow.

Meaning for Career


If you’re hoping for a raise or promotion, this is an excellent card to have. Take a gamble and request both.

Your life is about to alter dramatically. This card is really quick to use. Put yourself out there by asking inspiring and important people for concrete advice on a particular problem you’re facing to aid your luck along. Take their suggestions and report back to them with your findings. In no time, you’ll be making your own luck!


When the Wheel of Fortune is reversed in a career context, it indicates that your career is becoming stagnant or that you are going through a period of turmoil and uncertainty. In reverse, this Major Arcana card can indicate impending unfavorable changes. You must evaluate the job decisions you’ve made and honestly ask yourself if they were the best options to help you achieve what you want out of life. Have you taken advantage of the possibilities that have come your way? If not, don’t be too hard on yourself. Recognize that your current obstacles are merely a matter of time. Use this time to learn from your mistakes and position yourself to take advantage of the next upward swing of the Wheel.

Meaning for Health and Well-Being


When it comes to your health and fitness, all signals point to GO.

Now is an excellent time to sign up for a 5K run or to commit to a month of Whole30. You can do it, and the Universe will work with you to make your dreams come true.

The Wheel of Fortune can sometimes be a sign of an uncontrollable gambling obsession. If you’ve tried to quit your adrenaline-fueled hobby, tell someone you trust about your problem. You will be fortunate, but only if you approach your desires with humility, vulnerability, and open-hearted honesty.


In terms of health, a reversed Wheel of Fortune can imply that upheaval or disruption in another aspect of your life is having an impact on your health. Keep a cheerful attitude and don’t succumb to pessimism. While change, especially undesirable change, might be stressful, remember that even if you can’t control the event, you can control how you react to it. Don’t try to prevent events from occurring; instead, take good actions to care for yourself and your body even when things are difficult, and your health will benefit.

Meaning for Finances


This is the “Gambler” card, so play it safe and don’t lose any money you can’t afford to lose forever.

If you want to play the lotto, have a good time and do it for enjoyment. No matter how fortuitous The Wheel of Fortune appears to be, it can’t compensate for the astronomically low chances of really winning the jackpot.

However, life is unpredictable, and weirder things have occurred. It looks that your luck is going to alter, and that good fortune is on its way.

Prepare yourself to help your luck along. Stock up on supplies and make yourself available for last-minute great deals, chances, and possibilities. Don’t waste your money on high-priced toys.

Make a comprehensive investigation of all possibilities. Take steps to reduce and mitigate your risks. You will make all of your profits when you buy rather than when you sell, so buy when the market is at its lowest point.

Gambling and taking risks become a pleasant game when you don’t need the money.


Financially, while the Wheel of Fortune is in a reversed position, don’t gamble or take financial risks. If you’re having financial difficulties, this trump card may indicate that you have neglected to save money or construct a financial safety net. Your current struggle will not persist indefinitely; when your financial situation improves, remember the lessons you’ve learned thus far.


The Wheel of Fortune foresees a significant occurrence, with a concealed timing that will catch you off guard.

Yes or No

The Wheel of Fortune is a symbol of good fortune, change, and a new direction in life. While there are ups and downs, the general vibe of the card is optimistic, signifying positive improvements and good fortune. Yes is the answer you’re looking for.

A vision or insight that strikes with enormous force can be represented by the Wheel of Fortune. If you’ve been having trouble solving an issue or dealing with a difficult circumstance, this card may indicate that you’ll find the solution if you take a step back and look at things from a different perspective.

Unexpected meetings and twists of fate are also represented by the Wheel of Fortune. You can’t anticipate surprises; all you can do is be aware when one is approaching. Card 10 is frequently associated with wheel-like motions, such as changing directions, repeated cycles, and rapid movement. When the Wheel’s energy arrives, life will begin to accelerate. You’ve been trapped in a cyclone, and you could end up anywhere. “She goes round and round and round, and no one knows where she stops.”

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