Three of Swords – Tarot Card Meaning

Three swords


Upright: Estrangement, sorrow, heartache, grief, rejection.

Reversed: Releasing pain, positivity, compassion

Archetype: Separation

Astrological Association: Saturn in Libra 


The Three of Swords isn’t subtle. It is one of the most disturbing in the tarot deck. A big heart stabbed by three swords, covered in blood, and floating in a thunderstorm is the traditional imagery of this card.

Heartbreak and loss are important themes in the Three of Swords. Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent suffering in life. There are times in every relationship when quarrels and miscommunication appear to occur more frequently than joy, adventure, and love.

People fear this card. It is seen as the “breakup” card in romantic relationships. Although the card does not usually foretell the end of an existing relationship, it does indicate that the down periods will continue for some time.

Even though this card is generally negative, there is some solace in knowing that you can and will recover and move on.

Whether it’s a reading for your relationships, career, health, or finances, this card has some interesting insights. But first, let’s get to know the Three of Swords a bit more.

A Closer Look at the Three of Swords


The Three of Swords is a straightforward card with a challenging message. Three swords penetrate a heart floating in mid-air. The heart represents emotion and beauty, but the piercing swords represent logic and reason’s potential to hurt the physical body and emotions. The sky is cloudy, and rain is pouring down in torrents. It is a bleak moment.


The Three of Swords represents suffering, inner turmoil, and the need to choose between necessary evils.


A difficult decision must be taken, one that will have both positive and negative effects. The Threes in all of the tarot suits indicate that a third force has met and joined the binary conjunction (or sometimes opposition) of the Two. In many cases, this can mean mutual agreement, but in the realm of strife, it could indicate deep indecision and confusion over which of the various paths to follow.


The reversed Three of Swords can indicate that a person is unwilling to make a difficult decision, is indecisive, or is unable to find a way out of a difficult situation. They may be apprehensive about letting go of something. The card implies that we do not want to let go of the anguish, worry, and traumas related to a loss, a hurt, or a pain that has occurred in the past. The Three of Swords encourages us to move on with courage and to let go of past demons.

The Symbolism of the Three of Swords

Since most representations of the Three of Swords show a heart pierced by three swords, many people consider it to be a challenging card. Here’s what each part of the card tells us in detail.

  • The heart: Our entire history, as well as all of our potential, is written in our veins. The emotions of the heart are not always positive.
  • The three swords: The swords’ job is to help us sort through our emotional affairs, make the appropriate decisions, and put things into context – in other words, to find the right perspective.
  • The clouds: Rain, fog, and apprehension. But also, that level of consciousness – the confluence of heart and mind – that enables us to abandon meaningless pipe dreams in favor of truly useful, fulfilling goals.

What the Three of Swords Means in a Reading

Three of Swords from the Rider-Waite-Smith deck

Meaning for Love and Relationships


The Three of Swords is often associated with sadness. You’ve been wronged, and you’re experiencing emotional distress and disappointment. Alternatively, you could be the one who has caused emotional distress to someone else by quitting a relationship or making negative comments.

If you’re looking for love, the Three of Swords could signal that you’re still dealing with the grief and heartbreak of a prior relationship, and that is preventing you from finding new love. Rather than risking a regrettable “rebound” relationship, you might be better off putting your focus on healing from this loss.

If you’re in a committed relationship, the Three of Swords foreshadows a breakup or some type of sorrow. You may have been disappointed by a partner or had your trust broken. Whatever has occurred, it is painful, and you must first focus on healing your heart before taking any more action.

Given that this is a Minor Arcana card, whatever occurs will be transitory. You will be able to love again soon.

Whatever occurs will be transitory. You will be able to love again soon.


If you’re in a relationship, the reversed Three of Swords can signal that you’re approaching a time of reconciliation or forgiveness. You’re ready to forgive and move on from hurt or heartache. As you release the hurt you’ve been holding, the lines of communication will reopen, and there is a strong possibility your relationship will progress. In rare situations, the card can also signal reconciliation following a split.

The Three of Swords reversed can also imply that you are refusing to let go of your grief, sorrow, or misery. You may be unable to forgive your lover because they have betrayed or mistreated you in the past. If this is the case, you should consider whether or not the relationship is worth continuing. While you hold on to past transgressions, your relationship will not be able to grow. You must decide if you can put the past behind you and go on as a couple. If you can’t, it may be time to let them go so that you can both move on to something healthy.

If you’re single, the reversed Three of Swords can signify that you’re recovering from a split, separation, or divorce. It could also mean that you’re getting over a period of feeling lonely and alone and are feeling a lot better about your future relationship prospects. However, in the reversed position this card can also represent an excessive amount of grief following a painful split, divorce, or loss of a loved one.

Meaning for Career


The Three of Swords represents a loss in a career reading, such as a failed project, getting fired or made redundant, or an opportunity that has abruptly vanished. You’re probably going to take the loss personally. It hurt your feelings or bruised your ego. At the same time, you should maintain a sense of proportion. While the setback may appear to be enormous, it will pass quickly and life will go on. Lean on your loved ones, personal life, hobbies, and inner spirit to keep you going.


In a career Tarot spread, the Three of Swords reversed can indicate a tense job or career situation is beginning to settle down. You might be feeling a lot better, and your work atmosphere might be a lot happier. Perhaps the source of the tension has left the organization. Communication has improved, and there is a climate of forgiveness, compromise, and healing.

In the reversed orientation, this card can also indicate that a challenging work situation is about to get even more difficult. People who refuse to let go of negativity or choose to carry grudges rather than draw a line under things and move forward in a healthy way have contributed to a lot of previous upheaval.

Meaning for Health and Well-Being


In a health reading, the Three of Swords may signify troubles with the heart or possibly even heart surgery. You might also get some bad news regarding your health that you didn’t expect. Be aware of emotional stress, despair, and anxiety, as well as how they may affect your health.


The reversed Three of Swords could indicate a return to health following a period of illness, surgery, or bodily disturbance. You should be upbeat about your recovery. It is also possible that your anxiety levels are a big factor in any health issues you’re having. Don’t let yourself be overwhelmed by fear. If necessary, seek professional help.

Meaning for Finances


In a financial reading, the Three of Swords can represent a sudden, unexpected financial loss. Shares could plummet, a valued property could be taken from you, or you could find yourself in massive debt. You must, once again, keep things in perspective and strive toward recovering financial security piece by piece.


After a period of financial struggle, the reversed Three of Swords can signify that you are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. You and your creditors may reach an agreement to repay a debt or they may agree to some form of debt forgiveness. 

Alternatively, the card in the reversed orientation could mean that you are wallowing following a financial setback. You may have lost a career you enjoyed, your home, or other assets.This card shows that you are still clinging to memories of the past, unable to accept your current situation. Rather than wallow in self-pity, you should accept your circumstance and begin taking concrete steps to improve it.


The Three of Swords predicts a significant mental reversal. This could happen in the coming hours or days.

Dates to take note of are October 3 to October 12. 

Yes or No

The presence of pain and suffering is suggested by the Three of Swords. It may be due to an emotional loss, the end of a significant relationship, or heartbreak. The emotional turmoil and mental suffering that accompany this card indicate a negative response to your question.

The emotional turmoil and mental suffering that accompany this card indicate a negative response to your question.

The Three of Swords frequently appears when life throws us unpleasant little curve balls. Betrayal, abandonment, rejection, separation, and a reversal of fortune are all possible outcomes. These outcomes are excruciating because they strike when you least expect them. 

If you’ve drawn this card before, you may already know what it means, but if not, take the Three of Swords as a warning. It is possible there is something wrong in your life that you’re either unaware of or hesitant to admit.

With this card, it’s vital to remember that we’re all capable of being harsh. We’re all human, and we all make mistakes, some of which are very serious. At the end of the day, all we can do is trust in life’s goodness and strive to live up to our ideals. When you make a mistake, forgive yourself and attempt to forgive others. Even so, it’s better to avoid trouble before it occurs.

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