The World – Tarot Card Meaning


Upright: Completion, integration, achievement, journey.

Reversed: absence of completion, lack of closure.

Archetype: Opportunity –  success at hand.

Astrological Association: Saturn 


The World is the Major Arcana’s final card, and synthesises and combination of energies from the preceding cards. It symbolizes completeness, happiness, and a strong sense of belonging. This is not a static energy, but rather a dynamic balance. We all play a part in the dance of life, free of the fears and doubts that may have held us back in the past and able to perceive ourselves and the world around us more clearly. The World is the Major Arcana’s final numbered card, and it marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of another.

This is why the Fool is sometimes referred to as card #21, because after we have gain the unity of the World, we return to our most natural, child-like state, and the spiral of advancement begins all over again. We, like the universe, are always in motion, part of both our own inner cycles and the wider cycles of the universe that surround us. In The World card, the cosmic dancer, who is frequently depicted as androgynous, has finally brought all of life’s dualities together. They march in lockstep with the seasons, never pausing to flow, transform, or renew. The World and the Fool are the only two Major Arcana cards with moving figures, and both are connected to the vast spiral of existence that is a part of us all and of which we are all a part.

A Closer Look at The World


A dancing figure stands in the World’s center, revealing the journey’s completion and enjoying not only the journey’s completion, but the fresh beginnings it promises. Like the Hanged Man, the dancer has one leg crossed over the other. In some ways, she is his polar opposite (i.e. the Hanged Man upright). In the World card, the dancer gazes infinitely outward, whereas the Hanged Man gazes indefinitely inside. In each of her hands, she carries a wand or baton, symbolizing progress and equilibrium.

She is encircled by a broad, green wreath that symbolizes triumph, victory, achievement, and accomplishment and is tied with scarlet ribbons that symbolize eternity. The infinity symbol is formed by the red ribbons, which represent the endless rewards of positive effort in bettering ourselves and others. The luminous stars within the laurel wreath symbolise enlightenment or cosmic consciousness.

The figures in the four corners of the World card are identical to those on the Wheel of Fortune.

Surprisingly, the World card is closely associated with the Wheel of Fortune, indicating the cyclical nature of time and human experience. A lion, a bull, a cherub, and an eagle represent the four fixed signs of the Zodiac: Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, and Scorpio. The four elements, four Tarot suits, four compass points, four seasons, and four corners of the universe are represented by these. And everything is visible and under the dancer’s control. The planetary ruler is Saturn, the time sign.


The World Arcana is the Major Arcana’s ‘Crown,’ representing the endeavor’s accomplishment and achievement, as well as joy and admiration.


The world is also a card that indicates a fresh start – an indication that you are now ready to go on to the next step of a better strategy (or quite literally, to go out and see the World). When the World appears in a TAROT spread, you should be open to new experiences and undertakings, explore widening your horizons, and contemplate changing your route. The World Arcana can be read as a sign that you have completed your task and now have the opportunity to look up and around you to see what is accessible!


The Reversed World advises us not to give up just because we’re close to our objective; it speaks about setbacks and frustrations along the way, as well as obstacles to conquer. The Reversed World Arcana is a perplexing response to a query, and it often shows impatience with our goals. While the Reversed World Arcana is mostly a helpful card, it also has the hidden promise that our success is near, but will be delayed. It challenges us to be patient and thoughtful in our planning, to push over that final hill, and to keep going!

The Symbolism of The World

The World card depicts completion, the coming together of all components to become something larger than the sum of their parts. As the final card of the Major Arcana, it brings all of the preceding cards’ energies together, synthesising and unifying them.

  • The figure’s position or pose: The figure is calm and agitated, partly dressed and half naked, and rotates both toward and away from the observer. Always on the move — yet moving with the flow, serenely reconciling contradictions —
  • Two wands: The Magician wields only one wand (an “I”), whereas The World wields two (an “I” and a “you”). Two elements can be used to bring the four elements together (sign of the cross). Negative: there are still inconsistencies.
  • The red bands: The lemniscate, or sign of infinity, is depicted on each of the two red ribbons. Positive qualities include balance, endlessness, and vigor. Negative: caught in a rut, unable to mature or grow.
  • The green wreath: A laurel crown and a grave wreath make up the green wreath. It stresses the spatial and temporal boundaries of our life in this world as a wreath. The crown of laurels indicates long-term success when we learn how to use this framework.
  • The spirak shawl: Francis Bacon said, “every ascent to great heights takes place on a spiral staircase.” A symbol representing evolution.
  • The four elements / evangelists: Everyone has access to the possibilities of all four elements (cf. X – Wheel of Fortune). The crucial fifth element—the quintessence—is likewise portrayed by the figure in the center, and it is what he or she creates of them.
  • The (partial) nudity: A cautionary story about a lack of culture, The (partial) nudity. It fortifies one’s resolve to face the harsh realities of life. Birth, marriage, and death are all key milestones in one’s life that are inextricably linked to nakedness.

Reading: What The World Means for You

Meaning for Love and Relationships


If you’re looking for love, the World says that your time as a single person is coming to an end, and that you’ll meet the appropriate person for you. Traveling around this time period may provide provide opportunities to meet new people.

You can expect your long-term and dedicated relationship to achieve new and higher heights. You and your spouse may have reached a significant turning point in your relationship and are ready to move forward (such as marriage, moving in together, starting a family, etc.).

If your existing relationship is in difficulty, the World recommends that you both agree to end it, acknowledging that you have shared a fantastic trip but that it is now time to move on.


If you’re in a relationship, The World reversed in a love Tarot spread can signal that things aren’t going well. It’s likely that you and your spouse have fallen out of love and that you both need to put in more effort as well as open and honest communication to get back on track. If, on the other hand, you’ve put in a lot of work in your relationship and it still doesn’t seem to be improving, you might want to reconsider whether this is the correct relationship for you. If you’re single, you could think your love life has come to a halt, but consider whether you’ve made adequate attempts to get out and meet the proper people. Prince/Princess charming isn’t going to knock on your door and whisk you off your feet. You need to get out there and meet new people. Do not be afraid to put yourself out there.

Inverted World can also imply that you’re having trouble moving on from a relationship that ended abruptly. Perhaps a former spouse abruptly unplugged you without notice or did not give you the time you needed to come to grips with the breakup. This might be exceedingly tough to deal with because you haven’t had a chance to receive closure. Don’t waste your time hoping they’ll come back. Because you may never get closure from your former spouse, you must focus on finding another means to come to terms with what has happened. Ask for help from the cosmos, and keep your eyes peeled for healing chances. You’ll get through it eventually, but it’ll take a lot of deliberate effort on your part, so concentrate on that.

Meaning for Career


In a work-related reading, the World card may indicate that a major project or cycle in your career is coming to an end. It could also be a sign of retirement or leaving a job you’ve held for a long time. Recognize your accomplishments and the fact that this major work cycle is coming to a close. You’ve gained valuable experience and are now prepared to tackle your next professional challenge.

Based on your experience and knowledge gained throughout your career, you may be considering a career as a teacher, master, scholar, or expert in your field. This is an incredible opportunity that will give you a sense of accomplishment and recognition for your previous achievements.

Because of the literal meaning of the World card, you might be able to work on a global or international scale. You could work in international business or volunteer in developing countries. You may be thinking about living and working in another country for a long time.

Make a resolution to leave your current job if you are unhappy with it and pursue what you truly want to do. You may possess hidden or potential talents that you have yet to utilize. You’ve spent the first half of your life honing certain skills, and now you’re getting ready to hone others, previously dormant qualities, in order to move forward in life and take on new challenges.

All possible professional pathways related with the World include international journalists, people famous around the world for their knowledge and experience, nomads or travels, consultants, professors, mentors, or masters.


The World Reversed in a professional context can signify that you have not met your work goals. It could also mean that you aren’t reaching your full potential. What is it that is preventing you from achieving your goals? Have you made any efforts? Do you fear failure if you want to be the best version of yourself? Are you stuck in a job that doesn’t make you happy? Keep in mind that you are in charge of your own destiny. Making errors is how we learn, so don’t be scared to make them. And, if you really want to do it, don’t be scared to think outside the box or take a different path.

Meaning for Health and Well-Being


Your body must be pushed in new directions. What used to work for you isn’t working anymore.

Perhaps your metabolism has slowed as you’ve grown older. Perhaps your weight loss or athletic training has come to a halt. Whatever your circumstances, you’ll need to follow a different path. But first, give yourself a pat on the back for making it this far.

If you have to, bemoan your losses. Then start trying with new activities to see which ones work best for you. This is an exciting new journey for you, and you will succeed.


If you’ve been sick, The World Reversed may be a sign that you need to rethink your treatment options. The World Reversed is telling you to try something fresh if you’ve tried the same things and they haven’t worked. This is not to mean that you should ignore your doctor’s advise, but you might supplement your existing therapies with a holistic approach to improve your health. If, on the other hand, you’ve been failing to finish treatments like a pharmaceutical course or a fitness plan, The World Reversed encourages you to quit attempting to cut corners and finish what you’ve begun if you want to get your health concerns under control.

Meaning for Finances


Congratulations! You are on the verge of meeting your financial goals.

Continue your good work, but don’t get carried away. However, it appears that you will be celebrating soon, possibly with a nice vacation somewhere in the world?

Take some chances with your money because the World is a risky card. (Of course, only with money you’re willing to lose!)

It’s not about winning the lottery or playing high-stakes poker. Rather, invest in the dreams of your friends, family, and community. You may not make much money, but you will be able to make a significant difference in the world in which you live.


In a financial Tarot spread, the World Tarot card reversed can indicate that your finances have become stagnant. There is always something you can do to help yourself. Avoid taking shortcuts, risky investments, or get-rich-quick schemes to increase your bank balance. To achieve financial security, you must work hard, be consistent, and be determined.


The World predicts that a significant event will take place within the next 30 days.

Yes or No

The World card indicates happiness and success at the end of a trip. The presence of this card is linked to feelings of contentment, rewards, certainty, and good fortune. Yes is most likely the answer.

These moments, and everything that goes into them, are represented by the World. In reading, it’s a really good sign that you’re on your way to achieving your heart’s desire. What that means to you will vary depending on the situation, but it’ll always feel fantastic. Keep in mind, however, that Card 21 is a symbol of active participation and service. We must first give of ourselves to be able to grasp the World in our hands. That is the source of true happiness.

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