The Sun – Tarot Card Meaning


Upright: Fun, affection, accomplishment, positivity, strength.

Reversed: Temporary sorrow, absence of accomplishment.

Archetype: Ability: triumph

Astrological Association: Aquarius 

Kabbalah: Netzach and Yesod


When we switch on a light in a room, we expect to see all the dark corners. When we turn the light on in our minds, we become enlightened. The truth becomes visible and understandable. The energy of light widens our boundaries and allows us to shine both internally and outside.

Throughout history, people have regarded the Sun as a source of light and warmth. The Sun is a powerful and courageous god in many cultures’ mythologies. He is the crucial energy source that enables life on Earth to exist. In tarot, the Sun also denotes vigor and brightness. The Sun is not a timid or retiring card.

A Closer Look at The Sun


The Sun, as the morning that follows the darkest night, is a symbol of hope and fulfillment. The Sun, as the origin of all life on Earth, is also the origin of life itself. The delight of our inner spirit when we are in line with our authentic Self is shown by the youngster playing gleefully in the foreground. He is completely exposed, with nothing to hide. He possesses all of the innocence and purity of a child.

The white horse on which the youngster rides symbolizes spiritual strength and purity. The horse is not saddled, and it is not managed with the hands. This is a representation of absolute control over the conscious and subconscious minds. In his left hand, the child carries an orange banner, indicating that control has shifted from the awareness to the subconscious. The sun rays signify the same thing as the orange banner, which represents action and vibration.

The action is represented by straight light rays, while the vibration is represented by the wavy rays. The sunflowers in the background symbolise life and the spiritual fruitfulness that comes from the Sun’s nutrition. The four sunflowers represent the Minor Arcana’s four suits, as well as the four elements. The Sun, of course, is the astrological relationship to this card.


The Sun is a cheerful card of good health and blessing.


The Sun represents summer and all the good things that come with the season. Things such as family, friends, communion, strength, and love. The Sun represents our vitality and prosperity, as well as our material abundance and happiness. It also represents our physical energy and vigour. It is a card that represents abundance and success in your endeavors. When you come across the Sun Arcana in your spread, look to your strengths, especially your health – try to enjoy and be thankful for your physical body. The Sun may also indicate an impending recovery.


The grandiosity of ego and pride, of arrogance and misplaced boasting, is represented by the Reversed Sun. It warns us to be more cautious and to be wary of illness. The Reversed Sun Arcana warns us that we need to take care of ourselves, that we need to slow down and consider what our material self, as well as our happiness, requires.

The Sun Symbols / Elements and Their Meaning

The Sun’s rays may physically enlighten us, giving us a sense of clarity and vigor that revitalizes and energizes us.

  • The figure’s stance or pose – The child’s expression indicates abandonment and openness. It is a symbol of maturing (an advanced station in the Major Arcana, i.e., as an  adult to be child-like again). Take a look at how easy it manages to control the enormous banner.
  • The Sun’s Face – The Moon symbolizes collective unconsciousness, whereas the Sun symbolizes collective knowledge, conscience, and consciousness. It symbolizes the center around which we (should) organize our lives.
  • The 21 rays – The remaining Major Arcana elements are represented by the 21 rays, signifying that this card is about more than just sunny days on the beach, but also a reminder that all of life’s positions require our conscious attention.
  • The red feather –The flame of life and the flame of joy are both represented by the crimson feather (cf. XIII – Death and 0 – The Fool). Vitality is also known as potency, liveliness, and vitality. The crimson feather symbolizes the soul’s true aliveness and serves as a reminder of our core, inmost being.
  • The red flag – This banner, which resembles a large slide, serves as a reminder that we are living organisms with vital energy. It’s the link that connects the two worlds of high and low ( a similar image can be found in the pole shown in the six of Swords).
  • The gray horse – White denotes purity and knowledge, while gray represents grayness. Prejudice in the gray area or something unseen and unconscious Perhaps we are blind to the sun behind us and the power that keeps us going (the horse).
  • The Well – The sun also represents the world of the Highest and Holy, according to the wall. Its rays can be seen in our world as well, but this is not the same as the absolute realm. Set reasonable limits – and stick to them!
  • The sunflower – Is it true that the sun blinds us to the negative aspects of life, leading us to ignore or push them away? Is it only a tool to help us see what’s there? Sun and shadow have always been present in Vincent van Gogh’s paintings…
  • Sun and shadow – The light and shadow are inextricably intertwined in the sunflower symbol. The gray shadow between the flowers and the sun, as well as the shade on the horse, speak to us in numerous ways. In the background, the sun may be seen.
  • The light blue sky – The divine realm and the sphere of the will are represented by the heavens – the pale blue sky. (clear) water = light blue; (open) sky = light blue. Positive qualities include laughter, lightness, a strong will, and a clear intellect. Negative: devotion for something or someone; fantasy

Reading: What The Sun Means for You

The Sun Meaning for Love and Relationships


If you’re looking for love, now is an excellent time to start meeting new people, according to the Sun. It’s very likely that you’ll meet someone who makes you laugh and who you like spending time with. Meeting this person will make you feel a lot better about yourself.

If you’re in a relationship, the Sun also symbolizes a good moment when you and your partner are both enjoying each other’s company and energy. You could be on vacation or simply enjoying life’s basic pleasures, spending more quality time together without distractions. Remember that the Sun is a symbol of freedom, so give each other some breathing room as necessary.

A relationship with a young person, such as a child, grandchild, niece or nephew, can also be represented by the Sun. This partnership will help you uncover your inner child as well as your sense of humor. Make the most of every opportunity to interact with young people and to tap into their positive and hopeful spirit.


If you’re in a relationship, The Star inverted means you’ve lost faith in it or that you’re focused on the negative aspects of your partnership while overlooking the favorable ones. It’s possible that your relationship has lost some of its glitter, that it’s become sluggish and repetitive, and that you and your spouse have gotten estranged on some level. The reversed Star indicates that these problems are fixable, but if you want to move on, you must be willing to heal old wounds and clear out any negative energy from the relationship.

The reversed Star indicates loneliness and a lack of faith in the universe’s purpose for you if you are unmarried. It’s possible that you believe you’ll never meet the right person. You might be getting the feeling that you’re losing faith in love. You must let go of your anxieties and the negative energy you’ve been harboring in order to go forward. Love will emerge when you least expect it!

The Sun Meaning for Career


The Sun will bring you tremendous success if you are looking for a new job or changing careers. On the horizon, look for a job offer or an exciting new chance. The Sun is connected with farmers, motivational speakers, life coaches, wedding planners, celebrants, teachers, and child care providers.

In a work-related reading, the Sun signifies success and achievement at work, as well as a growing sense of confidence in all you do. Because you are now ‘in flow’ with your work, you will be recognized and rewarded for your efforts, and everything will come naturally to you. Don’t be scared to share your accomplishment with others by recognizing your team’s efforts to attain a common goal and sharing your success story with others as a source of encouragement and inspiration.


The Star reversed in a career Tarot spread means that you may be tired with your job or stuck in one that isn’t driving you forward. Monotony has set in, and you no longer have the same creative zeal or excitement as before. You need to change your mindset and start focusing on the positive. Things aren’t as awful as they appear, and you have the power to change anything about which you’re unhappy. The reversal of the Star might also suggest that you are wasting your talents by not utilising your imagination.

The Sun Meaning for Well-Being and Health 


Everything is in working order. The Sun is beaming brightly on your recuperation if you have been suffering from health problems.

This is a celebratory and action-oriented card, so get going! To get and stay healthy, spend time playing like a child. Fun activities, especially those that take place outside, are good for your physical as well as emotional health.

In general, you require more pleasure in your life. Yes, we’re all guilty of it!

So begin to include small doses of joy and enjoyment into your daily routine. While doing the dishes, turn on some music and dance. Put on a wig and sequins and go to the grocery store. Eat from the nice china every damn day. You’ve worked hard for it!


In terms of health, The Star reversed can signal that your health isn’t in horrible shape, but that any troubles you’re having right now are being exaggerated by your anxiety and pessimism. Instead of seeking a routine check-up, you may be overthinking your health and exaggerating any concerns. Concentrate on the positive aspects of your situation. If you’re worried about a health problem, see a doctor to get some answers. Energy healing could help you enhance your health and let go of whatever bad energy you’re holding on to right now.

The Sun Meaning for Finance


Material success and abundance are on their way. If you’ve experienced financial problems in the past, they’ll be over shortly.

Be on the lookout for assistance from unexpected sources. The Universe wants you to be wealthy and will continue to bring you money. Say yes to everything, bless it, and send it on its way to do good. You’re such a wonderful steward of this flow!

Continue to be frugal with your money. Most importantly, acknowledge how much you’ve learnt and developed in the last few years. You have made your own good fortune and prosperity.


In a financial context, if your finances have not been going well, The Star reversed indicates that you have the ability to remedy any difficulties. Reevaluate your financial plans in light of any recent changes in your circumstances, and ask yourself if these goals are still working for you and getting you what you want. If not, consider what you can do to adapt them to your current situation. Don’t let money worries overwhelm you; it’s not all doom and gloom! Things are not as horrible as you believe.

The Sun: Timing

The Sun foresees that a crucial event may occur within the next 30 days.

The Sun: Yes or No

The Sun is a card full of life, joy, and energy because it is in opposition to the Moon. 

It reveals positive accomplishments, successful endeavors, and overall manifestations of luck in your life. As a result, it responds affirmatively to your query.

If you visualize yourself as a sun god, you’ll be able to read Card 19 in a reading. What thoughts and feelings do you have? You believe in yourself completely. You aren’t arrogant, but you are confident in your own abilities. 

You radiate health and have boundless energy. 

You exude grandeur and are brilliantly noticeable. 

Finally, you are aware of and comprehend everything that occurs inside your zone of influence. You’ll notice this when you see it.

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