The High Priestess – Tarot Card Meaning


Upright: Intuition, higher consciousness, mystery, subconscious awareness.

Reversed: Concealed intentions, importance of listening to one’s inner voice.


The High Priestess embodies the protector of the subconscious mind. She sits before the delicate veil of unawareness, separating us from our inner world. Possessing the secrets of these realms within her, she encourages us to “be still and know that I am God.”

Acting as the feminine counterpart to the Magician’s masculine energy, the High Priestess and the Empress represent the two female archetypes within the tarot. The High Priestess symbolizes the enigmatic nature often associated with women, while the Empress signifies a woman’s role as a nurturing life force.

The High Priestess is a symbol of wisdom, serenity, intelligence, and insight. The potential for abundance in love, career, health, and finance will be explored in greater detail later. But first, let’s take a closer look at this captivating card.

A Closer Look at the High Priestess


The High Priestess is also known as Persephone, Isis, the Corn Maiden, and Artemis. Sitting at the gateway to the Great Mystery, as depicted by the Tree of Life in the background, she resides between darkness and light. This is illustrated by the pillars from Solomon’s temple, suggesting her role as the guardian of the entrance to the profound depths of reality. Access is granted only to those who have been initiated, as indicated by the tapestry hanging between the pillars. The pomegranates adorning the tapestry represent Persephone, symbolizing a sense of responsibility due to Persephone’s annual return to the underworld after consuming a pomegranate seed.

Clad in a blue gown symbolizing wisdom, the Priestess wears the crown of the Triple Goddess, Isis. Her solar cross signifies a balance between masculine and feminine energies. Holding the partially revealed and partially concealed Torah in her lap, she represents both exoteric and esoteric teachings, as well as higher wisdom. The moon beneath her left foot symbolizes her mastery over pure intuition. The cube on which she sits signifies earthly stability, while the palm suggests mental fertility. The High Priestess is associated with the Moon as her ruling planet.


The High Priestess personifies feminine wisdom, insight, and intuition. As the guardian of hidden knowledge, she is often associated with dreams, divination, and psychic abilities.


Represented by the Moon, the High Priestess symbolizes concealed insight that illuminates while remaining hidden. This card may signify a woman’s influence on a situation, as well as the need to trust feminine intuition. The High Priestess also represents the subconscious and psychological aspects. The individual should be receptive to spiritual guidance and pay attention to their quiet inner voice. As the first card of Initiation, the High Priestess teaches that knowledge, wisdom, and guidance primarily come from within ourselves rather than external sources. Our inner wisdom and insight are sparked by dreams or feelings that lead us towards broader concepts, discontent, or profound desires.


In contrast to ‘inner’ enlightenment, the Reversed High Priestess, as the highest-ranking female priestess in the Order, represents the realm of tangible facts and ‘outward’ knowledge. This suggests a potential imbalance, with an excessive reliance on material facts, reason, and intellect, and not enough trust in intuition and gut instincts. It could also imply that one’s intuition may be misguided. When a man or woman appears in a spread, it may signify that the individual has a strained relationship with their feminine aspect or neglects to nurture it. Another interpretation of the Reversed High Priestess is the repression of inner instincts in favor of external facts and obligations.

The Symbolism of the High Priestess

The High Priestess is often referred to as the “Wise Woman” card. It embodies a receptive, introspective nature with an air of mystery and hidden secrets.

  • The columns inscribed with B and J: These are said to represent the columns of Jerusalem’s ancient temple, with B and J standing for Boaz and Jachin correspond to two pillars of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.
  • The curtain: this is veil of the Temple, behind which lay the Holy of Holies. In the Holy of Holies was the divine presence of God on Earth. It also represents the veil between the conscious and the subconscious.
  • Isis’ threefold moon or crown: This represents the Egyptian mother goddess Isis’ triple moon or crown (seen in various depictions of the Madonna). It signifies the three visible phases of the moon, the stages of womanhood, and the passage of time.
  • The crescent moon: The astrological moon is exalted in Taurus, making it particularly powerful. This corresponds to the prehistoric matriarchal era or the Taurus age. The present-day moon symbolizes night, solitude, mysticism, and the subconscious.
  • The scroll: This evokes images of the Torah as well as a variation of the word “Tarot” (see The Wheel of Fortune). In contemporary terms, it represents the script of one’s own life.

What The High Priestess Means in a Reading

Meaning for Love and Relationships


If you’re single and seeking love, the High Priestess can guide you to discover what you truly desire by encouraging self-reflection. Are you searching for a long-term commitment with a soulmate, casual fun with an amazing group of people, or a blend of the two? All answers are valid, but only one is right for you. In a relationship, the High Priestess urges you to trust your “feminine” instincts. Be open to receiving love and reciprocate with a wholehearted embrace.

In all types of relationships (not just romantic ones), maintain the confidentiality of the secrets you’ve been entrusted with and refrain from gossiping about others’ personal matters. Being a keeper of secrets is an honor; respect it by keeping your lips sealed.


When the High Priestess appears reversed in a love context, you may still be desired by others, but you could question their intentions or feel uneasy with the attention. If you’re in a relationship, be prepared for intense emotional outbursts and heightened sexual tension. If you find yourself losing patience with your partner or seeking conflict, take some time for personal reflection and self-care.

Meaning for Career


At work, things may not be as they seem. Some aspects of the situation remain mysterious, and the truth may not come to light for a while, if ever. Deep down, you already know the answer, even without all the details. Trust your intuition and instincts to guide you. Be open, receptive, and compassionate while keeping your ego in check. Set clear boundaries in your work, but let kindness be your guiding principle.

If you’re exploring new career paths, take time to delve into your past, recognize patterns, and uncover hidden aspirations. Consider what you would genuinely like to pursue if money, age, experience, and fear were not factors.


In a career context, the High Priestess reversed may suggest that you have not been kept in the loop at work, leading to feelings of isolation and disconnection. The reversed High Priestess could also represent a deceitful female, so exercise caution when trusting others.

Meaning for Health and Well-being


The High Priestess is a card of secrets and hidden knowledge. If you’re experiencing health issues, consider getting a comprehensive physical examination, including blood tests and any other necessary evaluations, to obtain a complete understanding of your health. Good health extends beyond the physical; it includes mental and emotional well-being. Seek the help of a skilled therapist to navigate the challenges of life and invest in self-discovery.


If you’ve been isolating yourself, it’s time to re-engage with the world. The reversed High Priestess can indicate issues related to menstruation, hormonal imbalances, and/or fertility. Just like in the upright position, make your concerns known if you feel that a health issue is not being taken seriously. Don’t hesitate to consult with additional healthcare providers if needed, but avoid delaying essential treatment!

Meaning for Finances


When it comes to financial decisions, some information may be hidden from you. Avoid making hasty choices without fully understanding the consequences. Trust your intuition and be cautious about who you rely on. This isn’t the time for significant purchases or high-risk investments. Instead, focus on establishing a solid foundation by saving for emergencies, paying off debts, and securing valuable assets. The peace of mind that comes from financial stability might not seem exciting or glamorous, but it’s a powerful source of comfort.


Regarding finances, a group of individuals or a single person may not be entirely truthful with you. Be cautious about what you agree to when the High Priestess appears reversed. Don’t hesitate to seek additional information and advice for major transactions under consideration. Trust your instincts when you feel something is amiss with the High Priestess reversed.


The High Priestess foresees a significant event occurring within the next 30 days.

Yes or No Questions

The High Priestess is a spiritually perceptive woman who embodies mystery, wisdom, and insight. When this card appears in your spread, be prepared for a journey of self-discovery. She represents aspects of your life that remain hidden, making the answer to your question unclear.

The High Priestess encourages you to delve deeper in readings, looking beyond the apparent, surface issues to uncover what is hidden and enigmatic. She also asks you to consider the vast potential you possess and the numerous possibilities available to you. The High Priestess may signify a period of waiting and allowing things to unfold naturally. To achieve your goals, you don’t always need to take action; sometimes, they can be realized by letting your desires flourish over time.

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