Queen of Cups – Tarot Card Meaning

Woman sitting with one foot in the water


Upright: Emotional assurance, serenity, instinctive, compassion.

Reversed: Emotional instability, codependency.

Archetype: Settled emotions

Astrological Association: Scorpio 


The Queen of Cups is empathic and in touch with her psychic faculties. She has an amazing imagination, and she is kind and tenderhearted towards others. She is sensitive and has strong feelings, but she also has the ability to control them or share them with others to inspire and reassure them.

She is likely to be perceived as a loving and compassionate character. She is skilled at connecting with her own feelings and encouraging others to recognise and express theirs. She has a strong connection to her dreams and intuition, and she is frequently depicted with at least one foot in water, which represents the unconscious mind.

She is a fountain of emotional stability who nourishes others with her love and compassion. She is often artistic and creative, looking for tangible ways to express her emotions in ways that others can understand. She might also have a strong spiritual inclination.

In terms of love, career, and wealth, this card has some intriguing meanings. But first, let’s take a closer look at the Queen of Cups.

A Closer Look at the Queen of Cups


The Queen of Cups reigns supreme over the emotional sphere. She sits on a throne at the edge of the sea, a lovely, thoughtful woman. She is holding a cup with angel-like handles. The Queen’s thoughts come from her subconscious, from the depths of her soul, as the cup is closed. She is alone, sitting and staring at this cup, dressed in a gold crown and silver robe.

Images of sea-nymphs, fish, and scallop shells adorn the stone throne on which she sits. Water, in general, denotes emotion, spirit, and feeling, while the sea and fish are symbols of the unconscious mind. The sea is surrounded by a cloudless bright blue sky and calm water. Her feet aren’t in the water; instead, they’re resting peacefully on the colorful pebbles that have washed up on the sea shore.


The Queen of Cups usually refers to a person with whom the enquirer has had contact, or possibly traits within themselves.


Art and crafts, romance and good humor, charity, sensitivity, constancy, and loyalty are all symbols associated with the Queen. When you see the Queen of Cups, it could mean that you need to use your maternal or protective instincts to help others (or even for parts of yourself). Take care of yourself and others around you by taking time to pamper and nourish them.


The reversed Queen of Cups is difficult and distant, a figure whose own emotional problems have become barbs that may hurt the enquirer. A poor relationship with one’s own mother or mothering impulses is possible. Or the card could indicate that emotional stability and feeling grounded are essential to avoid acting out of spite or scorn. The reversed Queen of Cups could indicate that one’s emotions are overpowering one’s good sense, and that these emotions have a greedy quality to them.

The Symbolism of the Queen of Cups

This Queen is sensitive and in touch with her psychic abilities, as well as her imagination. She is compassionate towards others.

  • The large cup: This is the largest and most ornate chalice depicted in the suit of Cups. It represents your spiritual treasure, the incalculable value of your soul. It also calls to mind cautionary tales about greed.
  • The flowing blue robe: A symbol of a connection to the element of water. Water is associated with the unconscious mind and with emotions.
  • The cliff: Life’s successes and calamities that must be dealt with. It is the repeated experience of these highs and lows that allows us to be born again and again, to grow, and, ultimately, to realize our full potential.
  • The colored stones: Hard stone is shaped by soft water. Acceptance of what is about to happen is the task at hand. There are a few stumbling blocks that need to be removed. Making stones skitter over the water is a fun way to spend some time.

What the Queen of Cups Means in a Reading

The Queen of Cups from the Rider-Waite-Smith deck

Meaning for Love and Relationships


If you’re looking for love, the Queen of Cups suggests that you have a great advantage in how you approach relationships because you come from a peaceful, empathetic, emotionally balanced, and perceptive place. 

Because you have a high level of self-respect and love for yourself, you attract nice, healthy, and loving relationships. Simply being yourself is the finest thing you can do, and you will find that by doing that you will draw love into your life.

If you’re a man, the Queen of Cups may indicate the appearance of a sensuous, caring, and loving older woman who has a lot of potential for a long-term relationship.

If you’re already in a relationship, the Queen of Cups indicates that your bond will be built on genuine affection and strong emotions. It’s crucial to remember to set aside time and space to allow for the expression of your emotions. Also, you need to trust your instincts. Reach out to your mate and express love and compassion if anything doesn’t feel right or if you sense that your relationship is struggling for whatever reason. To heal, nourish, and support others, use your emotional centeredness.

The Queen of Cups can sometimes represent the presence or influence of another female in the relationship. To figure out what this influence is, look at the other cards in the reading.


If you’re in a relationship, the reversed Queen of Cups can be a warning not to let your fears or lack of trust impact things. You must regain emotional control before pushing your lover away. Don’t be clingy or needy. 

Alternatively, if you’ve been rushing around trying to make your partner happy, you must remember to take care of yourself first. Otherwise you’ll burn out. Try to maintain emotional equilibrium and don’t let others take advantage of your pleasant disposition.

If you are single, the Queen of Cups reversed is not a favorable card since you may not be in a healthy emotional state right now. You may attract people who want to exploit your vulnerability. Before you date somebody, take some time to deal with these concerns and find your own inner equilibrium. 

The reversed Queen of Cups can represent someone who is emotionally unstable or immature, needy, grumpy, or sulky. She is typically unpleasant to be around since she is self-centered, manipulative, and superficial. She can also be untrustworthy, unfaithful, resentful, bitter, and spiteful. Avoid!

Meaning for Career


The Queen of Cups indicates a strong desire to be involved in meaningful work that has significance for others and can have a long-term emotional or spiritual impact. You might be looking for a place to work where you can fully be yourself, where your sincerity and genuine approach are valued and desired. You could look for projects that allow you to express yourself creatively and artistically.

The Queen of Cups may also represent the presence of a loving and intuitive woman in your career. She will provide you with emotional and spiritual support. She could be a mentor or advisor in some capacity. She could also be a very loving and sensitive manager.

Counsellor, healer, psychic, mother, teacher, and artist are all possible career choices connected with the Queen of Cups.


In a professional setting, the reversed Queen of Cups can indicate that you are overly emotional or sensitive to other people’s moods, and that this may be causing you difficulty at work. It could also indicate that you’re devoting too much time and energy to your job, or that you’ve become disorganized and aren’t managing your time effectively, leaving you fatigued or drained. Make an effort to strike a balance between your professional and personal lives. 

You may also experience a lack of focus or direction, resulting in agitation. The reversed Queen of Cups can signal that you are feeling creatively restricted or that you are facing an artistic block.

Meaning for Health and Well-Being


The Queen of Cups is usually associated with good health. If you need healing, however, seek out other women or individuals who have a strong feminine energy to assist you. Seek the guidance and assistance of a loving healer who focuses on the whole self – the mind, body, and spirit. 

The Queen of Cups also emphasizes the need to love and support yourself, especially if you are dealing with health issues. Believe in the Universe’s healing energy and think positively.

If health is the subject of the reading, the card may suggest feminine hormonal issues, depression, moodiness, alcoholism, drug addiction, or psychiatric problems. Look to the other cards in the reading for further information.


When the Queen of Cups is reversed in a health reading, it suggests that you are overextending yourself at the expense of your health. Make an effort to reach the balance you need by taking time for yourself. It could also mean you’re hypersensitive to harsh or toxic settings, people, or events. These could even emerge as physical symptoms. First and foremost, take care of yourself.

Meaning for Finances


In terms of money, the Queen of Cups frequently implies that your finances are in good order. However, any emotional spending, such as buying while depressed or making impulse purchases, should be avoided. Even if you adore a particular thing, use caution and make sure you can afford it.


From a financial perspective, the reversed Queen of Cups is not a good sign. She can imply financial uncertainty. When investing, be cautious and make sure you understand all of the risks and that you trust the people you’re dealing with. Don’t put yourself in a position where you could lose money. When reversed, this card warns against being shallow or foolish with money.


The Queen of Cups foretells a momentous event when intuition and emotions are turned into action. This could happen within 1-3 days.

Significant dates to take note of are June 11 to July 11.

Yes or No

The Queen of Cups depicts a delicate, quiet, and sensitive woman who is seeking and channeling knowledge from her unconscious. Her presence, like that of her counterpart, the King of Cups, suggests neither Yes nor No. The answer to your question is ambiguous. You’re going to need to listen to your heart.

In readings, the Queen of Cups asks you to think and feel as she does. For example: are you aware of the emotional climate? Are you feeling loving? Do you trust your heart? Have you received an intuitive message? Have you been moved by another’s pain?

She can also represent a man or woman who is like her, or an atmosphere of gentle love, acceptance, and respect for feelings. She is telling you that her special energy has a meaning for you at this time. Let yourself be inspired by this Queen in whatever form she appears in your life. 

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