Getting To Know The Tarot Deck

Every new tarot reader is confronted with a significant obstacle. Somehow, you must become acquainted with all seventy-eight cards. This task may appear difficult at first glance, but it does not have to be. It can even be enjoyable!

It’s all too easy to rush things. You could try to cram as much information into your head as possible as quickly as possible, but this method is ineffective. You may become overwhelmed because nothing stays with you for long. Many beginner students abandon their studies at this point.

A 5-Step Process to Supercharge Your Tarot learning

The key is to be patient and take small, daily steps toward your goal. Each day, study one card and cement your understanding by allowing the card to teach you its energy over 24 hours. Here’s an example of a method to try:

Choose one card to represent your day. You can be both spontaneous and methodical (first all the Wands, then the Cups, etc.). You can choose a card with a captivating image or one that appeals to you in some other way. It doesn’t matter what you do as long as you get through the deck.

Choose your card at a time that is convenient for you. Mornings are ideal because you can choose a card while getting ready for the day. You can also choose one for the evening. You’ll be ready to work with your card the next day when you wake up. Your main goal is to pick regularly so that your tarot work can advance.

1. Look up the card description.

Read the description page for your chosen card at least once. Examine the card’s image carefully. Make a list of the terms and try to remember them. They’ll help you grasp the meanings of the cards quickly.

If you want, make a copy of the card’s article to refer to throughout the day. I don’t recommend carrying your card with you because it could be damaged or lost, but you might want to take a picture of it on your phone.

2. Throughout the day, pay attention to the energy of the card.

Let’s say you got the Two of Cups. Connection, truce, and attraction are the keywords for this card. Keep an eye out for signs of these characteristics throughout the day. You may notice that a particularly hostile colleague visits your office in the morning to talk. You have a feeling you will make peace with them. You notice a connection between two approaches while working on a problem in the afternoon. You strike up a conversation with someone who piques your interest later at a party. On each occasion, you’ve tapped into the energy of the Two of Cups.

Choose your card at a time that is convenient for you. Mornings are ideal because you can choose a card while getting ready for the day.

3. Review the card one more time.

After the twenty-four-hour period has passed, go over your chosen card again briefly. Consider how its features fit into the context of your own life. Try to remember the keywords without looking them up in a dictionary.

4. Keep a journal of your impressions.

It is not necessary to keep a journal, but it is highly beneficial. In your journal, write down the date, the card drawn, and a few highlights from the day. This will help you connect the cards to your moods and activities; however, keep it simple or you’ll get tired of it quickly.

Here’s how you can write journal entries with five different colored pens, one for each category:

  • Wands = Red (Fire, passion)
  • Cups = Blue (Water, moods, emotion)
  • Swords = Yellow (Air, thought, intellect)
  • Pentacles = Green (Earth, growth, plants, nature, money)
  • Major Arcana = Purple (spirituality, higher purpose)

(Color coding helps you see at a glance the shifting tarot patterns of your weeks and months.)

Learning the cards this way takes at least 78 days, but if you stick with it, you’ll be very familiar with your deck.

Perform A Daily One-Card Reading

So far, we’ve talked about how to work through the deck systematically for learning purposes, but there’s another way to go about things – a daily one-card reading. Every morning, shuffle the deck fully while concentrating on your intention to receive guidance from the cards. Then pick a single card.

Performing a reading for yourself is a serious, even sacred activity. You go in with the expectation of receiving truly valuable advice. You give the card you choose a high value. When you choose a card solely for learning, you will notice its qualities throughout the day but will not necessarily regard them as personal guidance.

Since you will be repeating cards, the main disadvantage of doing daily readings for guidance is that it takes longer. On the bright side, you’ll gain a better understanding of the cards over time and be able to benefit from tarot readings right away.

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