Currently Browsing: Seraphina Grey

Ace of Wands – Tarot Card Meaning

The Ace of Wands is a symbol of opportunity, adventure, and power. It appears in readings when a seed of daring excitement has been planted in your life, even if you are unaware of it. When the seed sprouts, it can take on practically any shape. It could be a brilliant idea, a burst of optimism, or the need to take risks. It could appear to be an offer, gift, opportunity, contact, or synchronistic event from the outside.


The Sun – Tarot Card Meaning

When we switch on a light in a room, we expect to see all the dark corners. When we turn the light on in our minds, we become enlightened. The truth becomes visible and understandable. The energy of light widens our boundaries and allows us to shine both internally and outside.


The Star – Tarot Card Meaning

The stars have long served as a source of inspiration and hope for people. Their glittering light has a way of pulling us up and out of ourselves. We no longer feel the distress of Earth when we look above. A soprano’s clear, high voice comes to mind when I hear The Star. It has something extraterrestrial about it. All of life’s ugliness has been taken away, leaving only the purest essence.


Ace of Swords – Tarot Card Meaning

In the areas of intelligence, reason, justice, truth, clarity, and fortitude, the Ace of Swords represents possibility. It shows up in readings when a seed of clarity has been planted in your life, even if you don’t realize it yet. It’s possible that the seed will sprout into almost any shape. It could be a compelling idea, a desire to know the truth, a call for justice, or a desire to be truthful.


Ace of Cups – Tarot Card Meaning

The Ace of Cups represents the potential for deep sentiment, closeness, attunement, compassion, and love. It appears in readings when a seed of emotional awareness has been planted in your life, even though you may be unaware of it. When the seed germinates, it can take on practically any shape. It could be an attraction, a strong intuition, a gut feeling, or a sympathetic response. It could appear to be an offer, gift, opportunity, chance encounter, or synchronistic event from the outside.


Ace of Pentacles – Tarot Card Meaning

The Ace of Pentacles is a combination of two main energies, representing new beginnings. The Aces reflect fresh starts or new prospects. Meanwhile, the Pentacles symbolize the earth and the resources we possess, such as our bodies, finances, and sense of security.


An Introduction To The Tarot Cards

The tarot is a deck of 78 cards used for divination, guidance, and insight into one’s current condition and life path. The tarot’s images contain all of human life, if not all of life. By learning to read the cards, you will gain insight into yourself, your relationships with others, and the pattern of your life. 


Getting To Know The Tarot Deck

Every new tarot reader is confronted with a significant obstacle. Somehow, you must become acquainted with all seventy-eight cards. This task may appear difficult at first glance, but it does not have to be. It can even be enjoyable!


The Tower – Tarot Card Meaning

The Tower is a card that makes you feel uneasy. Fire, lightning, and plummeting on jagged rocks all scream danger! Those who despise change will not appreciate Card 16. It denotes an abrupt change in fortune or a rapid upheaval. Change is usually gradual, giving us time to adjust, but it can sometimes be sudden and explosive.


The World – Tarot Card Meaning

The World is the Major Arcana’s final card, and synthesises and combination of energies from the preceding cards. It symbolizes completeness, happiness, and a strong sense of belonging. This is not a static energy, but rather a dynamic balance. We all play a part in the dance of life, free of the fears and doubts that may have held us back in the past and able to perceive ourselves and the world around us more clearly.