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The Empress – Tarot Card Meaning

Discover the empowering symbolism and meaning behind the Empress tarot card. Learn how the Empress represents maternal energy, abundant wealth, and the importance of a generous mindset, guiding you towards a fulfilling and prosperous life.


The High Priestess – Tarot Card Meaning

Discover the secrets and wisdom of the High Priestess Tarot card in this comprehensive guide. Explore the card’s symbolism, meanings in various aspects of life, and learn how to trust your intuition on your journey of self-discovery.


Justice – Tarot Card Meaning

The Justice tarot card is an embodiment of fairness, principle, and accountability. It is often associated with the astrological sign Libra and the Kabbalistic spheres Geburah and Tiphareth. This card serves as a reminder of the divine balance that exists in the universe, despite the trials and tribulations of daily life.


The Hanged Man – Tarot Card Meaning

A man hanging upside down from a bungee cord

The Hanged Man is one of the most mysterious cards in the tarot deck. It contains many contradictions. Its unsettling imagery reminds us of the paradoxes of our lives. A paradox is something that seems to be contradictory, but is nonetheless true. The Hanged Man reveals certain truths, but those truths are obscured by their opposites.


Queen of Pentacles – Tarot Card Meaning

Woman lying on a chaise longue

The Queen of Pentacles’ personality blends the positive earth energy of the Pentacles suit with the Queen’s inward focus. If you were to pay a visit to the Queen of Pentacles, she would greet you with, “come in, come in! It’s wonderful to see you. Please have a bowl of soup!”


Three of Swords – Tarot Card Meaning

Three swords

The Three of Swords isn’t subtle. It is one of the most disturbing in the tarot deck. A big heart stabbed by three swords, covered in blood, and floating in a thunderstorm is the traditional imagery of this card.


Queen of Cups – Tarot Card Meaning

Woman sitting with one foot in the water

The Queen of Cups is empathic and in touch with her psychic faculties. She has an amazing imagination, and she is kind and tenderhearted towards others. She is sensitive and has strong feelings, but she also has the ability to control them or share them with others to inspire and reassure them.


Death – Tarot Card Meaning

A skull on a dark background

Death is a transition to a new state rather than a permanent ending. In its essence, if not in its form, life is immortal. We must “die” to the old in order to be born anew. Our old self must die in order to grow, move, and live.


The Magician – Tarot Card Meaning

Woman pointing at the sky

The Magician is the ultimate achiever. He is the archetype of the dynamic, masculine principle. He represents the ability to harness universal energy for creative ends. Notice his pose. He is like a lightning rod, with one arm reaching up to the Divine for inspiration and the other pointing down to the Earth to ground this powerful energy.


The Lovers – Tarot Card Meaning

The Lovers is one of the most recognizable cards in the Tarot deck. Love and sex are two human preoccupations, and this card represents both. The need for unity is strong, and it can push us to transcend ourselves.