Justice – Tarot Card Meaning


Upright: Fairness, balance, truth, integrity, law, responsibility, cause and effect, accountability, karma, impartiality, decision-making.

Reversed: Injustice, imbalance, dishonesty, bias, lack of accountability, denial, corruption, unfair treatment, legal complications.


The Justice tarot card is an embodiment of fairness, principle, and accountability. It is often associated with the astrological sign Libra and the Kabbalistic spheres Geburah and Tiphareth. This card serves as a reminder of the divine balance that exists in the universe, despite the trials and tribulations of daily life.

The Justice card features a figure adorned in red, sitting on a throne and holding a sword in one hand and scales in the other. This symbolizes the impartial nature of justice, as well as the importance of balancing logic and intuition when making decisions.

When upright, the Justice card encourages fairness and equality, while its reversed counterpart warns of unfairness, deception, and a lack of accountability. Both the upright and reversed meanings of the Justice card offer valuable insights into various aspects of life, including love, work, health, and finances.

A Closer Look at Justice


The Justice card, numbered 11, is ruled by Libra. Justice is depicted as a figure dressed in red, seated on a chair, holding a sword in her right hand and scales in her left. She dons a crown featuring a small square, symbolizing well-organized thoughts. Notice the clasp securing her cloak; the square represents the law that safeguards the circle of oneness within us all. The double-edged sword signifies impartiality and, with its point facing up, victory. In her right hand, the sword embodies the logical, orderly mindset necessary for fair judgment.

The scales held in her intuitive left hand suggest that logic must be counterbalanced by intuition. A small white shoe peeping out from beneath her cloak serves as a reminder of the spiritual consequences of our actions. The purple cloth draped behind her signifies compassion, while the grey pillars represent the limitations of the physical world.


The Justice card embodies the law of karma, conveying the idea that everything will ultimately work out for the best.


The upright Justice card signifies the need for fairness and balance in judgment. It represents overcoming intolerance, prejudice, and wrongdoing. Depending on the context of the situation, it may indicate the presence of pending legal matters such as litigation, judicial procedures, or lawsuits. In this sense, Justice is blind, as it doesn’t focus on individual attributes but rather on cosmic law. The Justice card symbolizes ultimate equality and should be embraced as an acknowledgment of one’s positive qualities.


The reversed Justice card embodies injustice and legal misunderstandings. It may also allude to social inequity, unfairness, and discrimination. The reversed Justice card advises us to protect the interests of others while maintaining a low profile, as secular laws can sometimes conflict with divine or spiritual principles.

The Symbolism of Justice

The Justice card symbolizes the concepts of right and wrong, as well as the consequences of our actions.

  • The figure’s stance or pose: Similar to The Magician, the arms’ position signifies “as above, so below,” particularly when extended with the scales and sword. This represents a connection between the heavens and the earth.
  • Scales and swords: These traditional intellectual tools serve distinct purposes. Scales are used for evaluation and judgment, while the sword enforces decisions and can help dissect complex situations for further analysis.
  • Desire and Libra: Successful desires can only be achieved through informed choices and understanding of available options. This connection may explain why, in many languages, scales (libra) are linked to freedom (liber, liberty) and desire (love, libido).
  • The red robe: The vibrant red color signifies the deliberate handling of desires and emotions using intellectual tools. This can either represent mental restraint or intentional indulgence.
  • Red, white, and green: These colors dominate the heart and mind, with black and gray as well. The yellow-green cloak symbolizes natural growth and immaturity, while the small white brooch indicates a modest level of openness.
  • The crown’s three and four: More than mere decoration, the crown’s three battlements and the square jewel beneath symbolize the feminine and masculine, spiritual and material realms, respectively.
  • The third eye: The jewel on the crown also represents the third eye, suggesting heightened intuition and the ability to resolve contradictions.
  • Gray columns and floor: Gray denotes neutrality, tranquility, tolerance, indifference, and potential lack of awareness. There is a balance between the threat of stagnation and the potential for achieving stability.
  • The violet curtain: Violet is the color closest to invisible radiation in the spectrum. The sword extending beyond the curtain highlights the need for skill and sensitivity in handling situations. The scales assign a measurable value to previously unknown factors.
  • The yellow background: The violet curtain’s edges appear golden against the yellow backdrop. On the negative side, laws and restrictions may block pure consciousness, symbolized by the sun. On the positive side, they can help control overeagerness, envy, illusion, and greed, which are associated with the color yellow.

What Justice Means in a Reading

Meaning for Love and Relationships


The Justice card may not be the most promising sign for finding new love, as it represents purity and virginity, which aren’t ideal for passionate relationships. However, if you’re experiencing turbulence in your current relationship, the Justice card serves as a reminder to communicate fairly and find balance with your partner. It also suggests that any hidden truths or imbalances will be exposed and dealt with.


The reversed Justice card indicates potential dishonesty or deception in your relationship, and a need for introspection and growth. For singles, this card may signal that there is still personal development needed before a healthy, balanced relationship can be established.

Meaning for Work and Career


In the workplace, the Justice card calls for integrity, fairness, and long-term thinking. It’s important to own up to mistakes and rectify them, rather than trying to avoid consequences.


The reversed Justice card may signify unfair treatment or being blamed for others’ errors. It’s essential to remain calm, avoid confrontation, and address issues methodically. This card may also indicate a lack of work-life balance and the need for self-reflection and growth.

Meaning for Health and Well-Being


For your health, the Justice card emphasizes the importance of balance and moderation. Acknowledge past mistakes and take steps to correct your behaviors for a healthier future.


When reversed, the Justice card warns of potential health issues due to a lack of balance. Prioritize self-care and avoid overindulgence to maintain well-being.

Meaning for Finances


In financial matters, the Justice card calls for honesty and aligning your financial decisions with your values. Treat money with respect, and it will do the same for you.


This card cautions against risky investments and potential financial injustice. Be wary of business partners and stay vigilant in your financial dealings.


The Justice card indicates a significant event likely to occur within the next 30 days, with key dates falling between September 23 and October 22.

Yes or No Questions

In yes or no questions, the Justice card does not provide a definitive answer but emphasizes accountability, integrity, and upholding values.

In summary, the Justice tarot card serves as a powerful reminder to embrace balance, fairness, and accountability in all aspects of life. By acknowledging past mistakes and striving for personal growth, you can make important decisions that lead to a more fulfilling and harmonious future.

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