The Fool – Tarot Card Meaning


Upright: Fresh starts, purity, spontaneity, a free spirit.

Reversed: Naivety, folly, recklessness, taking risks.

The Fool

Archetype: Innocence – carefree ignorance 

Astrological Association: Aquarius


The Fool, as Card 0 of the major arcana, is at the start of the deck, but also stands out from the others. The court jester was a person who was not expected to obey the same rules as everyone else in medieval courts. He had the ability to watch and then mock. As a result, the Fool is erratic and unpredictable. He reminds us that every moment contains limitless possibilities and spontaneity. Nothing is certain or regular with this card. A scenario is enriched by the Fool’s introduction of the novel and unfamiliar.

The Fool also symbolizes total trust in the goodness of life. Some may criticize the Fool for being too naïve, yet it is his innocence that keeps him alive and brings him delight.

Some may criticize the Fool for being too naïve, yet it is his innocence that keeps him alive and brings him delight.

A Closer Look at the Fool


The Fool has no set place in the Tarot card sequence and is numbered 0 (infinite potential). The Fool can appear at any point in the Major Arcana, including the beginning or the end. The Major Arcana is frequently thought of as the Fool’s trip through life; as such, he is always present and thus requires no number.

The Fool appears to have limitless potential at the start of his adventure. The beginning of his voyage is symbolized by the rising sun behind him. He’s looking towards the direction of the unknown, which is north-west. He’s gazing up at the sky, or Spirit. Is he ready to take the plunge into the material world? He has everything he needs in the bag on his staff, but he hasn’t yet opened it.

Purity and innocence are symbolized by the white rose in his left palm. In the form of the little white dog, he has a guardian who will both protect him and challenge him to learn the things the Fool came here to learn. The mountains behind the Fool signify the realms of Spirit that he has recently left and will spend the rest of his life attempting to reclaim.


Fresh beginnings, hope, new enterprises, and naivety are all represented by the Fool card. It possesses the newness of a child’s naivety and is unmistakably unorthodox.


The Fool shows attributes that are individualistic and unconcerned about what others may think. In this way, it’s a card about upending the current quo and embarking on new endeavors. The card also conveys a sense of apprehension, implying that major decisions must be made and that fresh beginnings and voyages are desirable.

In one sense, the Fool Arcana is the start of the mystic trip suggested by the Major Arcana of the Tarot, and in another sense, it is the end. It signifies the act of searching, starting, and journeying, as well as the open-minded attributes that we require when we begin any endeavor. As a completion card, it might represent a return to one’s core nature, to our natural state of happiness and peace inside ourselves.


The reversed Fool is typically connected with naivety and ignorance (as in the word ‘fool-hardiness’). It cautions avoiding making snap decisions, taking risks, or embarking on new undertakings at this time, since they may prove to be imprudent. The Reversed Fool implies that we may be displaying these unhelpful characteristics or that we are about to encounter someone who possesses these characteristics; you should not heed their counsel!

The Symbolism of The Fool

The Fool is a free spirit who enjoys the present moment. Others may think his actions are foolish, but he believes in the end all will work out.

  • The figure’s position or pose: Open, with his enormous wings spread wide and chin in the air, ready to take off and fling himself into the abyss. Is the nose in the air a sign of arrogance and insecurity?
  • The chasm: Whether The Fool’s next step will lead him over the cliff to tragedy or simply to the next rock is impossible to predict. This can assist us in staying present.
  • The red feather: The flame of life and joy, represented by the crimson feather (cf. XIII – Death and XIX – The Sun). Potential, vitality, and vital strength. The vibrancy of a person’s soul and heart is symbolized by the red feather.
  • The white dog: a watchdog who is always on the lookout for danger. Either The Fool is awake and conscious of the moment’s intensity, or the dog issues a warning and demonstrates what the human next to him has missed.
  • The yellow sky: The sun shines brightly, but there’s also lust and envy in the sky. Getting too near to the sun can lead to a spectacular fall (mania). Positive: enlightenment and inspiration lead to a strong, dependable sense of self.
  • The white sun: Together with the white rose and the white dog, the sun is white. Colorlessness, ignorance, and a blank intellect are all negative attributes. Positive: nirvana, completion, cleansing, the mind being void (of identifications and attachments), and liberation.
  • The zero: The zero points to a life that turns out to be a waste of time and effort—to unused talents. The absolute, on the other hand, is the beginning of a coordinate system = a reference point for everything else.
  • The yellow boots: Positive: The Fool is confident in his actions and takes each step deliberately. Negative: instead of using his intellect and heart, he searches for the way forwards with his feet.
  • The bundle on the black staff: The weight each of us must bear is symbolized by the bundle on the black staff. The black staff, which is only barely noticed at first, represents one’s own efforts. The goal is to become aware of and understand one’s own potential!
The Fool
The Fool from the Rider Waite Smith Tarot

What The Fool Meanings in a Reading

Meaning for Love and Relationships


The Fool frequently signifies a fresh relationship in which you are still getting to know each other and exploring the connection’s various sides. You may be hesitant to let go and explore the possibilities together, but your uncertainty and early dread propel you forward and attract you to learn more about the relationship’s trajectory.

Alternatively, even if people are pressuring you, you may not be ready for a commitment just yet. You might like the bachelor lifestyle since it allows you to come and go as you please while also allowing you to experiment with a variety of fresh and different relationships. Rather than anything more serious, you’re looking for a little fun and spontaneity. This is wonderful, but don’t let your desire to have fun blind you to the genuine thing, or pure, deep love, if it comes your way right now.

If you’re in a relationship, you might be feeling a strong desire to branch out and try new things. You may be ready to go on a new adventure but are unsure how to get started.

The Fool frequently signifies a fresh relationship in which you are still getting to know each other and exploring the connection’s various sides. 


In love, the Fool reversed can indicate that your desire for adventure is preventing you from receiving the kind of love you truly desire, or that your existing relationship is uncertain. Your connection may be thrilling, but it may also contain some dangerous behavior if The Fool is reversed. Be aware that this may cause emotions of insecurity and put your relationship on the verge of falling apart.

Meaning for Career


The Fool frequently denotes the start of a new career path or job in the spirit of new beginnings. This is most likely a new area for you, and you’re excited to learn more as you go. Consider starting a new job as a graduate or changing your career path with a clean slate.

The Fool can also signify a desire to succeed in business. You’ll feel encouraged to start a new enterprise or business, full of new ideas and opportunities. You will eventually leave your current work or take a leave of absence if you have been considering doing so. But there’s a caveat. You may be especially vulnerable to get-rich-quick scams that leave you high and dry, so do your homework before committing large sums of money.


Career-wise, you may be dissatisfied with your current job or considering a career change. Before you do something, think! Don’t be scared to put yourself out there and assert yourself if you’re holding back your greatest ideas due to a lack of confidence. Your viewpoints are equally legitimate as those of others. Don’t be shy in expressing yourself.

Meaning for Health and Well-Being


The Fool can imply that you are more prone to accidents than the average person, so avoid high-risk hobbies and be more conscious of the dangers that surround you. For example, you could become so engrossed in the beauty of nature that you forget to see where you’re going and trip.

Your health is expected to improve, according to the Fool. If you’re facing health issues, you’ll probably be able to obtain the support and resources you need to get better. It may necessitate a new strategy, perhaps trying a treatment that is a little more “out there” or has not been thoroughly tested. Positive thinking is crucial, and it should come naturally to you at this point.


When the Fool is reversed in a health reading, it implies that experimenting with alternative remedies may be beneficial in resolving any health problems. Also, be aware of your surroundings because the inclination to be accident prone is increased when reading this.

Meaning for Finances


The Fool is a card that encourages you to take chances. It’s time to take a chance on a new adventure and jeopardize your financial future.

The Fool, on the other hand, is a wild trickster, and this card can sometimes serve as a warning about being too dumb.

It’s difficult to have it all! You must trust your intuition and understanding because the answer may not be logical or follow conventional wisdom. Use caution and only risk money that you can afford to lose.

However, spending money on fun, experiences, and social activities may be just what you need right now.


When it comes to money, the Fool reversed sounds like a warning. You might have some unique options that will pay off monetarily for you. However, before you sign any dotted lines, you should run the figures and make sure you’ve done your homework. It’s possible that not everything is as it seems.


The Fool predicts a major event within the next 30 days.

Yes or No

The Fool is a symbol of fresh starts and unfettered adventure. Though this card may suggest folly, it is more hopeful in that it represents pure acts and freedom from the confines of your current existence. Most likely, you’ll have to make crucial decisions soon, and the answer to your question is yes.

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