Queen of Pentacles – Tarot Card Meaning

Woman lying on a chaise longue


Upright: A nurturing and loving person, homesteading abilities, philanthropy, practicality, down-to-earth, motherly, secure.

Reversed: Difficult economic times, dependence on money, envy, greed, lack of work-life balance.

Archetype: Settling the mind

Astrological Association: Virgo 


The Queen of Pentacles’ personality blends the positive earth energy of the Pentacles suit with the Queen’s inward focus. If you were to pay a visit to the Queen of Pentacles, she would greet you with, “come in, come in! It’s wonderful to see you. Please have a bowl of soup!” She is the most welcoming and nurturing person you’ll ever meet. Her greatest joy comes from taking care of people and ensuring that they are happy. Her house is usually brimming with kids, pets, plants, and friends who dropped in for a chat.

She is kind and generous to everyone, but she is a realist. She doesn’t have much time for complicated schemes and other nonsense. If something needs to be done, she simply takes care of it without making a fuss. She makes do with little if necessary and always comes through in a pinch. Her demeanor is down-to-earth and matter-of-fact. She is always dependable and faithful. Others trust her since she is naturally trusting. The Queen of Pentacles will ease your concerns and share your worries if that is what you need.

We will learn more about what the Queen of Pentacles means in terms of love, career, health, and finances. But first, here’s a more detailed look at this fascinating card from the Suit of Pentacles. 

A Closer Look at the Queen of Pentacles


She is seated on a throne adorned with carvings of pears and other fruits. She is holding a pentacle, yet she appears to be lonely. Her attention is directed within.

The Queen of Pentacles, like all of the court cards, could symbolize a real person in your life. If it’s not someone else, it could be a role you’re now playing or planning to play.

This card represents a nurturing individual (male or female) with a caring, kind, and wise disposition.

In the traditional sense of the word, the Queen of Pentacles is the most “motherly” of the queen court cards. She also has the most beautiful garden of all the queens, with everything in full bloom all of the time.

She has amassed wealth via everyday discipline and a healthy lifestyle. She adores nature and manages everything in her domain with steady competence.

Domesticity, homesteading, and fertility are all suggested by this card.


The Queen of Pentacles expresses practical energy and is very motherly. She is the original Mother of the Earth. She works hard to provide a safe and secure environment for her family and friends, and she freely gives love and support.

The Queen of Pentacles is the original Mother of the Earth.


The Queen of Pentacles could represent a mother figure in your life who may offer you loving support and caring while you work through your past.

This card suggests that being able to live freely, with a steady income, and with time and space to nurture your family and loved ones is vital to you.

You might be attempting to strike a better balance between your personal and professional lives. Many people use one to compensate for the other, but you are giving it your all in both areas.

The Queen of Pentacles is a symbol of wealth and stability. She implies that you have worked hard to achieve financial or physical stability, and that this allows you to be generous with others and share your prosperity with those you care about.


When the Queen of Pentacles is reversed, you may become obsessed with a task. You may be prioritizing your career over your family or relationships. Of course, this can be acceptable in the short term, but you must consider the long-term consequences. Returning to a favorite natural location (a forest, beach, or mountain) and allowing yourself to absorb this new, natural energy might help you restore your natural balance.

The Symbolism of the Queen of Pentacles

The Queen of Pentacles depicts a single woman seated on a throne adorned with carvings of fruit trees, goats, angels, and other symbols of wealth and sensual pleasure. Here’s what each part of the image means:

  • The Queen’s pose: She is stately and upright. Her gaze is directed to one side. There’s a lot behind her, hidden or forgotten.
  • The Pentacle in her lap:  Positive: You look after your practical needs and responsibilities. Negative: You don’t grow because you lose touch with what’s important and focus too much on the mundane.
  • Blossoms and Fruit: The abundance of blossoms and fruit symbolizes the queen’s productivity, naturalness, and creativity, on both the inner and outer planes.
  • The rabbit: They represent fertility. Rabbits breed prolifically, after all!

What the Queen of Pentacles Means in a Reading

Queen of Pentacles from the Rider-Waite-Smith deck

Meaning for Love and Relationships


If you’re single, you might prefer to stay that way right now. The Queen of Pentacles has all she needs to live a happy life as a single woman.

If you’re looking for a female partner, the Queen of Pentacles’ appearance could bring you closer to finding one. She could be a sensible, down-to-earth, nurturing individual. She’ll probably be a year or two older, more mature, and more motherly.

If you’re already in a relationship, the Queen of Pentacles indicates that it’s likely to be a long-term, serious partnership. You are a superb parent and a fantastic partner because you care deeply about your family. You’re also doing a fantastic job of maintaining a successful career, earning a good living, and supporting your family. You do it out of love for your family and out of respect for them. This Queen is more practical than passionate.


If you’re in a relationship, the Queen of Pentacles reversed can represent jealousy or insecurity, as well as boredom or being stuck in a rut with your spouse. Acting possessive or controlling may be a way for you or your spouse to communicate insecurity. If you’re asking about someone in a relationship, that person might be nasty, lazy, or uninteresting. She will expect her partner to do all of the work. Remember that relationships are a two way street.

If you’re single, the reversed Queen of Pentacles means you’ll have to work on yourself before you can find someone else. You may be lacking in confidence or waiting for someone to come along and give you what you want rather than putting out the effort to get it yourself. 

If you start a relationship while thinking about what someone can do for you or the security they can bring, it is sure to fail. Even if they give you what you want, you will not be equal partners, and you may feel insecure or possessive because you stand to lose a lot if you break up.

Meaning for Career


The Queen of Pentacles indicates high regard for your profession and a desire to succeed in it. At the same time, you understand the value of your home and family life, and you strive to strike the perfect balance between the two.

This is a very favorable card to see if you’re looking for a new job since it denotes financial independence, professional accomplishment, and a strong desire to achieve stability and certainty in your career and finances. It is a good indicator that you’ll be able to find a career that you enjoy and that will pay enough to live comfortably.

The Queen of Pentacles is a nurturing and generous individual with natural affinity for animals, children, and the environment. You might enjoy working as a gardener, teacher, veterinarian, or pediatrician, for example.


For career questions, the Queen of Pentacles reversed is not a good sign, as she represents being unreliable, disorganized, chaotic, and out of control. If you identify with this description, you must pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get to work, or you will find yourself in serious trouble. 

If you’re asking the Tarot about a potential business partner, avoid doing business with her since you’ll be left doing all the work or trying to pick up the pieces after she runs your company into the ground! 

In the reversed orientation, the Queen of Pentacles can also indicate someone who is too ambitious, cruel, or dangerous. Keep an eye out for this person if you work with them. 

Meaning for Health and Well-Being


In a health reading, the Queen of Pentacles is telling you that for your health to really improve, you may need to set aside time and space to focus on yourself. Your health may be suffering as a result of continuously putting others ahead of yourself and your needs. Maintain a sense of equilibrium in all aspects of life. You have the same value as everyone else.

If the reading is about pregnancy, a happy outcome is on the cards!

If the reading is about pregnancy, a happy outcome is on the cards!


When the Queen of Pentacles is reversed in a health reading, it usually indicates weight difficulties (either being overweight or underweight) or ill health. She could indicate that your health is deteriorating as a result of you becoming so overburdened with tasks that you neglect to take care of yourself. 

When we are not attentive to how we treat ourselves, we tend to eat poorly, not exercise, and not get enough sleep. But we need to remember that no matter how much we want to help those around us, if we burn out, we will be useless to them.

Meaning for Finances


The Queen of Pentacles is a master of abundance who looks after her hearth and home. This card is about prudently managing your assets so that you can invest and expand them in the future.

Instead of concentrating on rapid profits, concentrate on steadily increasing your assets to give yourself a stable financial basis. Small daily activities over time will build the bounty you seek.

This is a project that will take a long time to complete. Those who seek quick fixes or instantaneous success are naive dreamers. Be like the Queen and concentrate solely on the current moment, and on what you can do right now to secure your financial future and realize your aspirations.


In a financial context, the reversed Queen of Pentacles is unwelcome since she signifies bad money management, financial dependency, or poverty. When she appears, she may be telling you that you are extremely materialistic, spoiled, or shallow, or that you are attempting to hoard money or goods and penny-pinch.


The Queen of Pentacles is associated with a significant idea coming to fruition. This could happen within the next 1-3 days.

Dates to take note of are December 13 to January 9.

Yes or No

The Queen of Pentacles is a multi-tasker who is sensible, organized, and dependable. She offers prosperity and abundance, but she also requires the willingness to love yourself and to confront the challenges that may lie ahead if you are to attain your goals. This card strongly suggests that the answer to your question is yes.

In a reading, the Queen of Pentacles urges you to think and feel the same way she does. Do you have a warm and loving attitude toward others? Are you logical? Do you keep your word? Do you have an abundance mentality? When times get hard, can people count on you?

This Queen can also represent a like-minded man or woman, as well as a welcoming, trusting, and secure environment. Her energy means something for you at this moment. Allow this Queen, in whatever shape she appears in your life, to inspire you.

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