The Lovers – Tarot Card Meaning


Upright: Love, marriage, connections, choices, options.

Reversed: Lack of harmony, inequality, misalignment on matters of principle, bad choices.

Archetype: Love, intense affection.

Astrological Association: Gemini 


The Lovers is one of the most recognizable cards in the Tarot deck. Love and sex are two human preoccupations, and this card represents both. The need for unity is strong, and it can push us to transcend ourselves. The angel pictured on The Lovers card oversees this process of self-transcendence.

The Lovers frequently shows up in readings when a partnership based on great love is at stake. It may not be a sexual relationship, yet it frequently is or might become one. More broadly, the Lovers represents the power of attraction that brings two people, ideas, movements, or groups together in a partnership.

Card 6 can also represent difficult decisions and the self-inquiry that goes along with them. In other decks, The Lovers card depicts a man torn between two women—a virgin and a temptress. This archetypal love triangle symbolizes the broader quandaries we confront when torn between right and wrong, and between conformity and adventure.

A Closer Look at The Lovers


Gemini is the zodiac sign associated with The Lovers. The angel in the skies above the two figures in the card blesses and protects them. In general, angels represent the refinement of earthly desires.

Some sources identify the angel as Raphael, who is associated with the element of Air. Communication, which is essential for a healthy love relationship, is governed by this element. The angel’s purple garment symbolizes majesty. The sun shines brightly on the couple, providing warmth and protection. The land beneath their feet is green and fertile, implying life and joy. We are in the Garden of Eden.

The five apples on the tree behind the woman signify the five senses, implying carnality and sensuality. The snake behind the woman on the fruit-laden tree alludes to the narrative of Adam and Eve, humanity’s fall from grace, and its failure to resist the temptations of the world.  The flames behind the man signify passion. Twelve flames, one for each of the twelve signs of the Zodiac.

The man looks to the woman, who looks to the angel, suggesting the progression from physical desire to emotional needs to spiritual concerns, or from the conscious to the subconscious to the superconscious.

The mountain is a masculine symbol, while the water is a feminine symbol, implying that the two are in balance.


The Lovers card represents two people who are bold and honest with each other.


For romantic couples, and any other union of forces, the card is both a promise and a warning. It symbolizes the need for constant communication between our desires (physical, mental, or spiritual) and what we intellectually know we need (including partnership). It is a warning against temptation and adultery (not just sexual infidelity), as well as a promise that we will receive all the benefits of unity when our subconscious urges are tamed and expressed properly. The card also signifies the prospect of finding love and romance.


Infidelity, disharmony, and turmoil are all grave dangers to a relationship when The Lovers card is reversed. 

When reversed, this card indicates unwise decisions and succumbing to temptation. It could suggest a lack of self-respect or that a person’s subconscious and conscious desires are out of sync. When Card 6 is reversed, it may signify that one spouse is endangering the other, or that another force is attacking our emotional center – perhaps our rational mind is overwhelming us, or our career is getting in the way of our self-expression as romantic, feeling creatures.

The Symbolism of The Lovers

The Lovers symbolize unity, both with others and inside ourselves, as well as the bringing together of opposites.

  • The Garden of Eden: God expelled them from Eden when Eve tempted Adam with the apple.
  • The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil: The card represents the polarity of life, particularly the principles of female and male gender, nature and will, earth and fire.
  • The angel: The angel creates a link between these poles and connects them to the All, the Universe, God, or whatever personal vocabulary you might want to use.
  • Nakedness: Negative: lack of shame, shamelessness, and crudity. Positive: candor, openness, and, last but not least, sensuality and lust. The number six is also the most important tarot card for sexuality.
  • The snake: A symbol of wisdom and forbidden knowledge.

What The Lovers Means in a Reading

Meaning for Love and Relationships


The Lovers is one of the best tarot cards for a healthy soul-based connection. This could mean the start of a new connection or the strengthening of an existing one. It’s a fantastic indicator of beauty, attractiveness, affection, and long-term commitment.

If you’re looking for a new relationship, you’ll soon find yourself falling in love, confronting challenges together, and growing closer as a couple. It will be a long-term connection built on mutual appreciation and respect.

Be warned that if you’re seeking something casual, your emotions may become intertwined. Be open and honest about your desires (with your partners and with yourself), and make sure your actions match your words. This means no sleepovers or cuddling after the deed is done for many folks!

If you have to select between two relationships, go with the more stable partner who will always be there for you.


If you’re in a relationship, The Lovers reversed may signal that, while the sexual component of things is fine, you and your partner are not on the same page in other areas. It could also indicate that one of the partners is more emotionally committed than the other. 

Fear or a lack of trust may be preventing you from completely engaging in the relationship. You may have different goals, ideals, or expectations. You may have felt connected on many levels when you first started dating, but you don’t feel as close now as you once did. Confirm the root cause by looking at the supporting cards. Whatever the reason, if the partnership is to survive, these issues must be overcome. 

If you are single, The Lovers indicates that romance is on the way, although it may not come as quickly as you had planned. It can also signify choosing partners for the wrong reasons. This trump advises you to connect with someone in more than one way. A sexual connection, no matter how strong, is insufficient to make a relationship thrive.

Meaning for Career


You may have to choose between two conflicting forces, persons, roles, or positions. Something that appears to be a fantastic idea on paper may not be the best option.

You may have to choose between two conflicting forces, persons, roles or positions.

Follow your heart and make peace with your decision. Even if no one else understands, it will turn out for the best.

This card could also signal the beginning of a fruitful commercial alliance. Is there somebody in your professional life who helps you balance your strengths and weaknesses? Could you team up to take on your industry?

This will be a collaborative effort. Before you commit to working together, be sure you both understand your roles and have everything in writing. This partnership will grow stronger and more mutually beneficial with time, but it will not last indefinitely. Prepare yourself now for the inevitable conclusion.


When The Lovers is reversed in a career setting, it can imply a corporate alliance in disarray. If you have a business partner, you must communicate with them to ensure that you are both on the same page about the company’s direction and strategy.. The Lovers reversed, like the upright interpretation, can signify the possibility of a romance at work, but it also comes with a strong warning. This relationship could jeopardize your career. Be cautious, and make sure you’re aware of and ready to accept the repercussions of mixing business and pleasure if things go wrong.

Meaning for Health and Well-Being


There is an energy balance in this card. When two people join forces, they are more powerful than they are separately. Use this balancing energy, as well as the love of others around you, to help you make health-related decisions.

For accountability, team up with a partner and treat your health with respect. Make a commitment to a workout plan or routine (preferably with the help of another person or a wider group) and make it your top priority in life.

If you are unwell, ill, or in pain, you will be of no use to anyone. You must look after yourself, but you are not required to do so alone. Find a devoted partner to assist you in making these life changes.


If you’re having health issues right now, the reversed Lovers card may signal that you need to focus on self-care. Even if it hurts you, try to find it in yourself to love your body. It has served you well in the past and will most likely continue to do so in the future. Now is the time to prioritize your health.

Meaning for Finances


This is a favorable card for combining forces and forming a partnership. You may be receiving money as a result of a collaboration, a connection, or a decision you must make.

It suggests a favorable outcome. Money and assistance, on the other hand, may not come from the places you expect.

If you have to choose between two possibilities, don’t be swayed by the one that appears to be the most reasonable on paper. Choose the option that feels the most natural in your body. Concentrate on your long-term objectives rather than on short-term advantages.


When reversed, on the other hand, it can be a signal that you are focusing far too much on your romantic life and far too little on other vital areas, such as friendships and finances. Regardless of what else is going on in your life, allowing your finances to spiral out of control is a mistake. No matter how much you feel like you’re “walking on air,” try to stay tethered to the ground.


A significant event is expected to occur during the next 30 days.

May 21 to June 20 are important dates to remember.

Yes or No 

The Lovers signifies that you are at a decision point in your life. While this card is often associated with love, togetherness, and relationships, it could also indicate a strong business collaboration or a willingness to work together to get ahead. The answer to your query is Yes.

The Lovers can represent a moral or ethical fork in the road – a point at which you must choose between taking the high road or taking the low road. Because you need to know where you stand to make a decision, this card can also represent your personal values. Following your own path may entail going against people who are attempting to steer you in the wrong direction.

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